If you are interested in exchanging information on the performance of the components in your motorhome, then you may be interested in joining the E-group. The Group is made up of owners and want-a-bees of Holiday Rambler diesel motorhomes who exchange e-mails discussing the good and the not so good things about diesel motorhomes. Generally, if someone has a problem, someone else has a solution or similar experience that will help solve the problem. There are no experts, just a number of helpful owners.
A few of you non-computer folks may be hesitant thinking this takes some extensive computer skills to take advantage of the E-Group – wrong. If you can turn your computer on and have access to e-mail, you can do this. Maybe you only hunt-and-peck at the keyboard, but if you just read other's posts, you will benefit. Don't miss out on this wealth of information. Jump in and join us!
You can go to the link at the top of the page or click on the icon shown below. You will be taken our homepage. Follow the directions to create an account and click "+Apply For Membership In This Group". Your request to join requires approval by a moderator. You will be sent a Welcome Letter after approval that will guide you through a few steps that will get you off and running.
WELCOME!! Our hope is to hear from new E-Group participants. When you first log on, let the folks in the Group know that you are new and what kind of rig you have. We are a Group with a wealth of information - let's share some of those thoughts and help each other learn about our rigs.
For any questions on joining or problems using the site, contact us at:
Larry Laursen, Bob Wolnewitz, Ed Shaw and Craig Clampitt Co-Moderators, E-Group
Have a problem logging on? Contact: Larry Laursen. The E-Group wants You to know more about Us!